


Sericin About

Sericin is a Natural Silk Protein
Which Protects Silkworms from External Harm
Including UV Rays and Dehydration.

Sericin is a component in cocoons which envelopes the silk fibers.

It Was Discovered by Observing
the Beautiful Hands of Traditional Craftsmen.

Our company’s name, Seiren, is the Japanese word
for the process of degumming silk.
This process washes off the natural sericin
to make the silk threads glossy.
Our research of sericin began after observing the beautiful hands
of traditional craftsmen despite working with harsh, cold water.

Pure SericinTM Is the Perfect Size.

Natural sericin comes in a variety of sizes.
We developed a unique new process to select sericin by size to
take only the ideal size that is most effective.
This becam Pure SericinTM.